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Coach Calv Academy

Founded in 2015, Coach Calv Academy has helped students accept over $1,000,000 in scholarships, and $36,000 in scholarships per student.


Through an easy-to-understand, direct approach for ACT Tutoring, Coach Calv will help your child accomplish their college goals.


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Coach Calv Academy: Welcome

Welcome to Coach Calv Academy!  Through ACT Tutoring, I have spent five years helping children reach not only their full potential, but find a new level of confidence!


I believe that every child should be able to not only attend college, but afford it as well!  Please scroll through my website to see how I can help your child reach his or her potential.

Calvron Wachter

Coach Calv Academy: Testimonial


These are condensed versions of satisfied parents.  To read the full versions, please click on the "Testimonials" Section!

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"Calvron tutored my son and helped him raise his composite score by 8 points. When he received his score on his first ACT test, he was very discouraged with his score. He has always been an above average student, but his ACT score didn’t reflect his abilities.  There is no doubt this would not have happened without Coach Calv Academy."

Amy Brown (15 to 23)

"Before ACT prep, I was not a great test taker. My goal was to score in the 30s for the ACT, which I couldn’t quite reach. After several meetings with him, every subject clicked and came to me much easier.  Testing for each subject took half the time as it did before. The ACT is all about strategy, and all the strategies he figured out work! Thanks to him, I got a 31 and full tuition."

John Wilson (27 to 31)

“My daughter got tutoring from Coach Calv the past few months and he helped my daughter raise her score 8 points! No matter your score, he can help you with his knowledge and test taking tips! He makes it fun and relates well with teenagers.”

Leanne Smith (18 to 26)

"Before Coach Calv, my daughter felt that her score was stuck at a 27.  After helping my daughter get a 31, he has proved to be an amazing teacher in my daughter’s ACT studies. His ability to pinpoint and target weak areas, while teaching techniques and test strategies, was incredible! Coach Calv's best trait is making sophisticated lessons seem simple!"

Rhonda Berry (27 to 31)


Coach Calv Academy: Testimonials

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